What is peace in Islam?
The concept of “peace” has numerous definitions, which makes it hard to pinpoint the exact meaning of “peace” in Islam. Islam’s concept of peace is based on the Arabic word Islam, which means submission or surrender. Islam’s concept of peace is also connected to the Arabic word salaam, which means “safety” or “well-being.” While peace is mentioned in the Quran, there is no precise definition of “peace” in Islam. Rather, peace is based on the concept of submission to Allah (SWT).
The foundations of peace in Islam
Peace is one of the most important things in the world, and it is something that we all desire. The general definition of peace is a feeling of calm and quiet that comes from the lack of conflict or war.
But in Islam, peace has a deeper meaning. Peace is something that is felt when a person’s soul is completely satisfied with what Allah (SWT) has given him.
Peace is a state of mind that is achieved when you want to do something and you know it is the right thing to do.
1. Is peace only about the absence of war?
Peace is a state of harmony. It is not merely the absence of war or conflict. It is an intimate harmony that can only result from a deep commitment to justice, fairness, and the well-being of others.
If this is the definition of peace in Islam, how do we as Muslims make peace a reality in our daily lives? How can we be peacemakers?
There is a story of a Syrian man who came to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and asked him to give him advice for being a good Muslim. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) invited him to pray at night and fast during the day. The man said that he had been doing that for a long time and he wanted something more. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) then asked him to help the poor and be good to his neighbor. When asked what he meant by “neighbor,” the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) defined it as any Muslim.
2. What Does Islam Say about Islam's Role in the World?
Islam is the latest Abrahamic religion. It was revealed in the 7th century to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), a man who was born in Mecca in the Arabian Peninsula. His revelations were compiled into the Quran, Islam's primary source of guidance. The Quran is the holy book of Islam, and Muslims believe that it was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The Quran is not only the holy book of Islam, but it is also the primary source of guidance. In brief, the Quran is a book that contains revelations and guidance. It is the first source of Islamic law.

3. What are the goals of Islam?
Islam's primary goal is to establish peace in all societies. The Arabic word for peace is salaam. Islam, therefore, is a salaam movement. In order to achieve this goal, Islam must become a dominant force in the world. Islam must be able to defend itself from any foreign attack, and it must be able to overcome all internal resistance. A peaceful world can only be achieved if Islam is the strongest force in the world.
The entire religion has been painted as a religion of violence, war, and political unrest. But when you dig deep into the true meaning of Islam, you'll see that it is all about peace, love, and unity.
4. Peace is fundamental to the Islamic faith.
The Arabic word for peace is "Salam" which means "the state of peace, quiet, or tranquility." It is one of the most significant words in the Islamic vocabulary. Salam is used in the phrases "As-salamu Alaykum" which means "peace be upon you" and "Al-Salam" which means "peace." In Islam, peace is an inner state attained by quieting the mind and putting an end to negative thoughts. Islam teaches that peace is the natural state of a person who has faith. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "The believers have been ordered to be kind to one another, to the people of the Scripture." In Islam, the peace of mind and heart experienced by the believer is one of the highest forms of worship.
Final Words:
In Islam, peace is an important value, which Muslims are called to achieve both individually and collectively. Peace is not simply the absence of conflict or war; Muslims believe that peace is the product of justice, fairness, and respect.
Islam encourages Muslims to pursue peace and to seek the resolution of differences through dialogue and consultation. Islam also encourages Muslims to be just and fair even in the face of conflict and to deal with others in a reasonable and kind manner.
These teachings are reflected in the Qur'an and the words of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
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